On Tuesday, October 22, Don Cranford will speak on Template Overrides. Joomla! has the potential for the designer to take over control of virtually all the output that is generated. These methods eliminate the need for designers and developers to "hack" core files that could change when the site is updated to a new version. Because they are contained within the template, they can be deployed to the Website without having to worry about changes being accidentally overwritten when Joomla! is updated.  This is a really powerful technique to know!

We will meet in person at 1500 King Street, Suite 301, in Alexandria, Virginia (NOTE: the entrance is on S. Peyton Street!), which is a short walk from the King Street Metro. It is a secure building, so there will be a note posted on the door for you to call when you arrive to be let in.

For those of you who prefer to drive, there is free parking in the lot to the left of the building entrance on S. Peyton Street. Please enter the building from the S. Peyton street entrance.

We will have a 55" monitor/tv, wireless connection, and a speakerphone, and all the peanuts you can eat!