Bruce Scherzinger, NoVA JUG co-founder and chair, Joomla! hobbyist and professional software engineer, demonstrated writing simple Joomla! 3.x modules that generate dynamic content to embed in your site’s articles using the built-in {loadposition} plugin. In this presentation, Bruce takes the simple “Hello World!” module tutorial available at and shows how easy it is to create your own custom modules that use information already in your site database to output things like:

  • Your site’s current membership count
  • A neatly-formatted HTML table with parameters you can plug in
  • The next date of a recurring event using JEvents calendar
  • Dump any database query as a formatted, scrollable table

Bruce has been writing various extensions for Joomla! and Community Builder since 2005. His creations are usually very simplistic and do one specific thing. This presentation give you a taste of:

  • Writing PHP code (not too much)
  • Poking around in a Joomla! site database (surely you've done this before)
  • Crafting an SQL query (maybe you've tried this once or twice?)
  • Figuring out how to reuse code from other modules (ok, maybe not this)
  • Where to look when you just don't know how (the INTERNET)

Here's the basis for the modules in the presentation:

Here's the presentation:


And here are the sample modules (now maintained on Github):