Bruce Scherzinger (bascherz)

Bruce Scherzinger (bascherz)

Bruce Scherzinger
Building Joomla! websites and developing simple extensions to customize them, particularly Community Builder plugins. Socializing with other Joomla! extension and site developers.

In the early days of Joomla! I wrote very simple Community Builder plugins to do things like add a country flag image to user profiles, send admin notifications when a user updated something in their profile, integrated Dada Mail email list manager into a CB-based site. I also implemented add-ons like a page counter module with various style digits, a Pony Gallery random image display module, and some others. Since then, many other developers have written improved versions of these or the extensions they were meant  to augment now include such capabilities.

I continue to maintain the Dada Mail and Profile Notifier CB plugins, which I use on my own sites. I've since written a Mailster CB plugin that works the same for users as the Dada Mail plugin. I've also written the native Joomla! Content Notifier plugin, which turns an article category into a newsletter when combined with an email list.

I am co-founder of this JUG, which we started in May 2009, and continue to contribute to it as my schedule allows.

Site Administration, Site Design and Development, Template Selection and Customization, Extension Design and Development, Responsive / Mobile Friendly Sites
Akeeba Admin Tools, Akeeba Backup, Community Builder, JCE, JEVENTS, Convert Forms Pro