The August meeting of the Northern Virginia Joomla Users Group was held at the Parkridge VI venue on August 19 from roughly 7:00 to 9:15pm. In attendance were:
- Bruce Scherzinger
- Katy Davis
- Monique Watkins
- Joe LeBlanc
This was the first time using the venue and, as expected, there were some minor logistics problems. But all that got sorted out and the meeting began at about 7:30. Topics covered were:
- Using MooTools with the YooEffects plugin to achieve lightbox and reflection effects
- Customization of the mod_search module to provide an option to open search results in a new window
- Using web services and XML-RPC to edit articles offline
- Joomla 1.5.14 SMTP email configuration enhancement
- Showcase of Katy Davis' website
- A look at JQuery
The DimDim meeting did not get started until about 7:25, so anyone who tried connecting prior to that and giving up...sorry. :(